With Mother's Day right around the corner I
found myself looking for a good quote for my chalkboard.
I came across this Mother's day quote.
I changed it a little to fit my chalkboard.
I love it.
But not as much as I love my mother!
Happy Mother's Day to everyone that has:
Slept on the floor next to a crib
Who's been puked, peed and spit-up on
Eaten the crusts on a PB&J sandwich for her lunch
Played hours of pretend
Became a free hire taxi driver
Found everything that was "lost"in the house
Brought oranges for the whole soccer team
Embarrassed their child in public
Who actually listened to their child do home reading
Held a sick child through the whole night
Dropped everything at anytime
Replaced the toilet paper roll
Kissed all boo boos better
Packed a kajillion lunches and snacks
Put up with a public tantrum
Been a cheerleader.
Loved unconditionally.
Thanks MOM.